title: Emacs

#+STARTUP: content



C-h v comands
customize the settings
C-M-\ zusammen runs the command indent-region (ESC C-\ getrennt)
C-h c runs the command describe-key-briefly
C-j runs the command org-return-and-maybe-indent
C-q runs the command quoted-insert
C-d runs the command org-delete-char
M-DEL (translated from <M-backspace>) runs the command backward-kill-word
M eqaul to C-u


C-x r m bookmarks set

C-x r b bookmark jump

configuration with packages

how to extension the packages from someone already wrote

M-x load file ~/.emacs.d/packages/echo-keys.el
M-x echo-keys-mode
(global-set-key "\C-o" 'compile)
(global-set-key "\C-\M-r" 'ranger)

file control dired & treemacs

mode dired

enter or a or f enter the file c or C-o other buffer view + creat a directory m mark C copy to R rename or move D delete

mode treemacs

this can be another helpful control tool, ? for help

C-M-r treemacs open folder ? help
M-o to treemacs from file to treemacs

Virtual environment

在terminal 打开虚拟环境后,在打开 Emacs Emacs 会继承这些环境变量

shortcut Emacsclient

emacsclient -a "" -c

hotkey setting

M-x: global-set-key Press the wanted keybindings input the mapped command

(global-set-key "\C-o" 'compile)

chinese fonts

M-x install cnfonts 安装 (require 'cnfonts) enable config M-x cnfonts-edit-profile config (cnfonts-enable) load from start M-x cnfonts-set-font-with-saved-step 手动加载 M-x cnfonts-decrease-fontsize 增大整个系统的字体大小 M-x cnfonts-increase-fontsize 减小

daemon process

alias emc="emacsclient -c "

emacs --daemon
emc xxx.org


if by configuration failed, emacs --debug-init find the postion M-x: goto-char postion

EMACS Commands

commands functions explain

C-c C-p call the functions execute buffer for language (python) C-c C-c execute programm or function watch out the execute envirment C-c C-o open website link links or website both C-c C-w save as 另存为 C-u C-x C-e execute expression force the results show where the cursor it C-M-x open shell M-x term C-M-SPC mark the word the whole worlds M-x customize-option Word-wrap ON, 关掉换行


commands functions expression

C-c C-x 0 start the timer from 00:00:00 C-c C-x - print the time how long has been start C-c C-x , pause or continue one pause, one continue C-u C-c C-x , stop clear all



first make sure wich mode you are, so the new setting can only be used in the same mode, and the mode must be save in this mode

M-x yas-new-snippes


mu4e open mail client A e 1 & 1 view attachments C-c C-a add attachment g 2 go to the second link


q :for quit w(eww-copy-page-url) :copy the URL

d (eww-download) g (eww-reload) l(eww-back-url) :previous seit r(eww-forward-url) :forward seit

b(eww-add-bookmark) : add current seit as bookmark B(eww-list-bookmarks) : view bookmark

S(eww-list-buffers) s(eww-switch-to-buffer)

& (eww-browse-with-external-browser) eww-use-external-browser-for-content-type v (eww-view-source)

C (url-cookie-list)

helpful mode for edit

M-x linum mode
M-x check parens
M-x show-parent-mode  (Error :end file of parsing) can be caused by lack of parentheses


add content for all select lines string-insert-rectangle add content for all select lines string-rectangle cut content for all select mark region C-x SPE C-w post content for all select mark region C-x SPE C-y

Org mode

rich text

| Great clouds overhead | Tiny black birds rise and fall | Snow covers Emacs | |    ---AlexSchroeder

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler ---Albert Einstein

::: CENTER Everything should be made as simple as possible,
but not any simpler :::

here I will try some nows, and this is to be funny, and [underlined]{.underline}.


org mode manual in emccs M-x org-info C-x C-q enable readonly C-; 可以检查当前单词的拼写 sudo apt install grip, M-x grip mode live compile for markdown C-c C-z add note to items, quick note C-c C-c switch between them


可以在item后面加上[0/2] or [0%]

  • S-A-Ent for a new checklist
  • C-c C-c to finish this checklist

commands function explain

C-c C-o goto the link must in the link description C-c C-l edit the link also in the link C-c C-. go back

mark the link in file

* headline #+NAME: target []{#target} #+alias #+title org-store-link

use the mark, which is marked

[[.../file.org::345]] go to the file of line 345
[[.../file.org::target]] to to the file with target, 3 kinds of internal
[[file:~/code/main.c::255  ]]               进入到 255 行
[[file:~/xx.org::My Target ]]                   找到目标‘<<My Target>>’
[[file:~/xx.org::#my-custom-id]]               查找自定义 id 的项



- mbsync setting seeing in Dropbox
- C-c C-m to send email
- math :file output.png -> C-c C-c
- digraph ->
- graph --


M-x: package install : org-noter
- open xxx.pdf as emacs
- M-x: org-noter -> create a file as assige its position(a image without type name will be created)
- i for generic notes, M-i for special note with mouse to click
- give name and make notes
- C-M- (. p n) check notes for current, previous, and after notes 
with a rot arrow to the file

org-reveal reveal.js & ox-reveal

need to download reveal-js(unzip, and path pass to org-reveal-root) reveal.js download need to download org-reveal(were replace by ox-reveal) org reveal ox reveal

#+OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil
#+REVEAL_TRANS: None/Fade/Slide/Convex/Concave/Zoom
#+REVEAL_THEME: Black/White/League/Sky/Beige/Simple/Serif/Blood/Night/Moon/Solarized
#+Title: Title of Your Talk
#+Author: Your Name
#+Email: Your Email Address or Twitter Handle


org-html-themes github

add this at the top 
#+SETUPFILE: https://fniessen.github.io/org-html-themes/setup/theme-readtheorg.setup


# -*- mode: org; -*-

#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/home/sx/Dropbox/Sprache/Emacs/orgmode/org-html-themes/styles/readtheorg/css/htmlize.css"/>
#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/home/sx/Dropbox/Sprache/Emacs/orgmode/org-html-themes/styles/readtheorg/css/readtheorg.css"/>

#+HTML_HEAD: <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
#+HTML_HEAD: <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
#+HTML_HEAD: <script type="text/javascript" src="/home/sx/Dropbox/Sprache/Emacs/orgmode/org-html-themes/styles/lib/js/jquery.stickytableheaders.min.js"></script>
#+HTML_HEAD: <script type="text/javascript" src="/home/sx/Dropbox/Sprache/Emacs/orgmode/org-html-themes/styles/readtheorg/js/readtheorg.js"></script>


github link is here,

M-x org-mind-map-write to execute

add legend, text display, image display


org-roam-mode org-roam-db-build-cache org-roam-find-index org-roam-find-file org-roam-insert



M-x org-journal-mode activate the mode C-c C-j(org-journal-new-entry) create one, can be today, can be in the futher C-u C-c C-j go to the current entry C-c C-t add TODO C-c C-d add deadline C-c a a view in agenda


lsp-java github.io

dap-java github.io

lsp-java github

dap-java github

lsp-java-generate-getters-and-setters 需要安装helm 在所有的可选中 C-SPE 选中


for C-x C-f :find files C-l go back to the above directory

(helm-mode 1)
(require 'helm-config)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-x") 'helm-M-x)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-y") 'helm-show-kill-ring)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") 'helm-find-files)


keywords searching in all opened files, external files,

tree graph

(graph-draw-binary-tree '(1 (2 (3) (4)) (5)))
(graph-draw-tree '((north-america (usa
                                    (idaho (boise))))
                   (europe (germany)
                            (france (paris)


for images see hpc report

SRC block


<s Tab old version (require 'org-tempo) new version executable C-c C-, new version C-c C-x C-v view png of latex in SRC C-c C-x C-l view image of latex in pure orgmode C-c ' edit all src in a new buffer with mode


src 前缀

#+name: blockname blockname 可以被:noweb yes的代码块调用 #+call :blockname(x = 3)
#+PROPERTY: tangle xxx.tex 全文所有相关码块导出到xxx.tex文件 #+PROPERTY: comments org 全文org格式内容(不在src块中)导出时被注释

src 后缀

language function C/python/emacs-lisp
:file abc.org
:dir 指定生成代码的路径 :results output
:export (到html文件) code 只导出代码,results 只是结果 ,both :session my 可切换到生成的my buffer 操作 :tangle (创建源码) 文件名,yes, no :noweb yes 对tangle和export作用 :tangle xxx.py 输出文件 :var x=2
:shebang 指定码块的解释器

noweb:可以使用任何设定了名字的代码块,每次都是重新执行一遍所有相关代码。 session:后台会启动一个相应的解释器控制台,所有名称相同的代码块都会被加 载到该控制台,一直运行,并可以交互。


sudo apt-get install ditaa C-c C-x C-v to view

|         |
| 1       |
|         |
|222 |233     |
|    |        |

+------+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+
|{io}  |   |{d}  |   |{s}  |   |cBLU |
| 2oo  +---+ Bar +---+ Baz +---+ Moo |
|      |   |     |   |     |   |     |
+------+   +-----+   +--+--+   +-----+
           /-----\      |      +------+
           |     |      |      | c1AB |
           | Goo +------+---=--+ Sh12 |
           \-----/             |      |


sudo apt install graphviz

  digraph diagramm {
          MG [shape= box,color = red]
          MG1 [shape=box,color=red]        
          lambdaL1 [color=red]
          ROOT [shape=diamond]
          ROOT2 [shape=diamond]

          mh2 -> MG;
          mh3 -> MG;
          MG -> cs1[label = "pp>h2h2j"];
          cs1 -> ROOT[label = "w"];
          MG -> data_file;
          data_file -> Events_file [label = "1"];
          Events_file -> ROOT;
          ROOT -> sigma1;
          sigma1 -> lambdaL2[label = "2"];
          lambdaL2 -> MG1;  
          cs2 -> ROOT2[label = "w"];
          MG1 -> data_file_1;
          data_file_1 -> ROOT2 [label = "1"];
          ROOT2 -> sigma2;
          sigma2 -> lambdaL;




\hat{f}(x) & \propto & \sum_{\nu} \frac{|F(\nu)H(\nu)|^2}{|N(\nu)|^2}
\frac{G(\nu)}{H(\nu)} e^{\frac{2 \pi i \nu x}{N}}\ & \propto & \sum_{\nu} \frac{|F(\nu)|^2}{|N(\nu)|^2} H(\nu) H^(\nu) \frac{G(\nu)}{H(\nu)} e^{\frac{2 \pi i \nu x}{N}}\ & \propto & \sum_{\nu} H^(\nu) G(\nu) e^{\frac{2 \pi i \nu x}{N}}

\hat{f}(x) & \propto & \sum_{\nu} \frac{|F(\nu)H(\nu)|^2}{|N(\nu)|^2}  
           \frac{G(\nu)}{H(\nu)} e^{\frac{2 \pi i \nu x}{N}}\\
           & \propto & \sum_{\nu} \frac{|F(\nu)|^2}{|N(\nu)|^2} H(\nu) H^*(\nu) 
           \frac{G(\nu)}{H(\nu)} e^{\frac{2 \pi i \nu x}{N}}\\
           & \propto & \sum_{\nu} H^*(\nu) G(\nu) e^{\frac{2 \pi i \nu x}{N}}

Maxwell's Equations

\nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{B}} -\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{E}}}{\partial t} & = \frac{4\pi}{c}\vec{\mathbf{j}} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{E}} & = 4 \pi \rho \\
\nabla \times \vec{\mathbf{E}}\, +\, \frac1c\, \frac{\partial\vec{\mathbf{B}}}{\partial t} & = \vec{\mathbf{0}} \\
\nabla \cdot \vec{\mathbf{B}} & = 0


            h_{1k} &
            \cdots &
            \bar{q}_{11} & \cdots & \bar{q}_{12}\\
            \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
            \bar{q}_{n1} & \cdots & \bar{q}_{n2}
            h_{1k'} \\
            \vdots \\
\begin{matrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{matrix}
\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}
\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}
\begin{Bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{Bmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{vmatrix}
\begin{Vmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{Vmatrix}

symbolic math

If and , then the solution must be either or .




Überschrift 1 & Überschrift 2 & berschrift 3 \\
Eins & Zwei & Drei \\
Vier & Fünf & Sechs \\
\caption[Tabelle]{Tolle Tabelle}

Special characters

this is to add special characters for latex






在orgmode中,Esc下面的~键可以调出希腊字母输入 C-z也可以调出特殊字符输入

<span class="katex"><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.6833em;"></span><span class="mord mathcal">L</span></span></span></span>
<span class="katex"><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.6833em;"></span><span class="mord mathcal" style="margin-right:0.03041em;">B</span></span></span></span>

Compile Python2

1. in Orgmode using SRC to save a python2 programm, with its interpreter
2. C-c ' opening the buffer
3. C-c C-p open the python interpreter, weather it is wanted
4. mark the region in programm buffer
5. C-c C-r import the marked region to the interpreter

Agenda & capture & todo

comands explain function

C-c c add new capture capture C-c C-s 1 add new scheduling to items agenda C-c C-t 2 add new TODO to items todo C-c C-d add new deadline to items agenda C-c a check agenda function agenda C-c a a check all agenda items f, b S-f from capture list to file agenda C-' 3 switch in all agenda file agenda C-c C-x C-c view todo, pri and tags of items summary C-c C-c(q) add tags in items must in items


mark all the region I want to check, and M-X ispell-region space for nothing and numbers for replace.


conda activate tf emacs xxx.ipynb C-c C-o

official link document emacs ipython notebook github link


M-x package-refresh-contents RET M-x package-install RET ein RET

emacs xxx.ipynb C-c C-l/o


C-c C-a ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above-km 向上插入cell C-c C-b ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below-km 向下插入cell C-c C-c ein:worksheet-execute-cell-km 执行cell C-c C-k ein:worksheet-kill-cell-km kill cell C-c C-s ein:worksheet-split-cell-at-point-km 划分cell C-c C-w ein:worksheet-copy-cell-km 复制cell C-c C-l ein:worksheet-clear-output-km 清除结果 C-c C-u ein:worksheet-change-cell-type-km 更换属性cell C-c C-z ein:notebook-kernel-interrupt-command-km 中断cell C-c C-y ein:worksheet-yank-cell-km yank cell C-c RET ein:worksheet-merge-cell-km 向上融合cell C-c C-f ein:file-open-km 打开文件 C-c C-p ein:worksheet-goto-next-input-km previous(<C-down>) C-c C-n ein:worksheet-goto-prev-input-km Next (<C-up>) M-Ent ein:worksheet-execute-cell-and-goto-next-km execute, goto next

C-u C-c C-c ein:worksheet-execute-all-cells C-c C-e ein:worksheet-toggle-output-km C-c C-n ein:worksheet-goto-next-input-km C-c C-o ein:notebook-open-km C-c C-p ein:worksheet-goto-prev-input-km C-c C-q ein:notebook-kill-kernel-then-close-command-km C-c C-r ein:notebook-reconnect-session-command-km C-c C-t ein:worksheet-toggle-cell-type-km C-c C-v ein:worksheet-set-output-visibility-all-km C-c C-x Prefix Command


在任何的item上,C-c C-s都可以增加scheduling,可以个性的指定加入的 日期和时间。如果该item有TODO 特性,增加 ++1w 在时间后面,可以多次更新


在上次更新的-State "DONE"之前加上本次的完成情况,然后不管TODO 的标签是什么,C-c C-t d (done), 该item的scheduling将会被自动更新到下 一次的设定时间(一周后)。在时间轴上显示历次完成情况.


shift + f can dynamical view the agenda items. and Tab goto the linked agenda file.